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Автордың құжаттары
Estimates of the Surface Magnetic Field Strength of Radio Pulsars
1 Цитирований
Kim, V., Umirbayeva, A., Aimuratov, Y.
2023 Universe
9, с.
Nonlinear electrodynamical lensing of electromagnetic waves on the dipole magnetic field of the magnetar
0 Цитирований
Beissen, N., Abishev, M., Toktarbay, S., Yernazarov, T., Aimuratov, Y., Khassanov, M.
2023 International Journal of Modern Physics D
32, с.
On the nature of the ultrarelativistic prompt emission phase of GRB 190114C and GRB 180720B
0 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Aimuratov, Y., Becerra, L.M., Bianco, C.L., Campion, S., Chen, Y.C., Cherubini, C., Filippi, S., Karlica, M., Li, L., Mathews, G.J., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Pisani, G.B., Rueda, J.A., Sahakyan, N., Wang, Y., Xue, S.S.
2022 Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions
33, с. 191-204
The morphology of the X-ray afterglows and of the jetted GeV emission in long GRBs
15 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Moradi, R., Rueda, J.A., Li, L., Sahakyan, N., Chen, Y.C., Wang, Y., Aimuratov, Y., Becerra, L., Bianco, C.L., Cherubini, C., Filippi, S., Karlica, M., Mathews, G.J., Muccino, M., Pisani, G.B., Xue, S.S.
2021 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
504, с. 5301-5326
Early X-Ray Flares in GRBs
43 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Wang, Y., Aimuratov, Y., Almeida, U.B.D., Becerra, L., Bianco, C.L., Chen, Y.C., Karlica, M., Kovacevic, M., Li, L., Fuksman, J.D.M., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Primorac, D., Rueda, J.A., Shakeri, S., Vereshchagin, G.V., Xue, S.S.
2018 Astrophysical Journal
852, с.
The binary progenitors of short and long GRBs and their gravitational-wave emission
1 Цитирований
Rueda, J.A., Ruffini, R., Rodriguez, J.F., Muccino, M., Aimuratov, Y., Barres De Almeida, U., Becerra, L., Bianco, C.L., Cherubini, C., Filippi, S., Kovacevic, M., Moradi, R., Pisani, G.B., Wang, Y.
2018 EPJ Web of Conferences
168, с.
What can we learn from GRBs?
0 Цитирований
Muccino, M., Ruffini, R., Aimuratov, Y., Becerra, L.M., Bianco, C.L., Karlica, M., Kovacevic, M., Melon Fuksman, J.D., Moradi, R., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Primorac, D., Rueda, J.A., Shakeri, S., Vereshchagin, G.V., Xue, S.S., Wang, Y.
2018 EPJ Web of Conferences
168, с.
GRB 110731A within the IGC paradigm
0 Цитирований
Primorac, D., Ruffini, R., Pisani, G.B., Aimuratov, Y., Biancol, C.L., Karlica, M., Melon Fuksman, J.D., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Rueda, J.A., Wang, Y.
2018 EPJ Web of Conferences
168, с.
The first ICRANet catalog of binary-driven hypernovae
2 Цитирований
Pisani, G.B., Ruffini, R., Aimuratov, Y., Bianco, C.L., Karlica, M., Kovacevic, M., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Primorac, D., Rueda, J.A., Wang, Y.
2018 EPJ Web of Conferences
168, с.
On the Rate and on the Gravitational Wave Emission of Short and Long GRBs
15 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Rodriguez, J., Muccino, M., Rueda, J.A., Aimuratov, Y., Almeida, U.B.D., Becerra, L., Bianco, C.L., Cherubini, C., Filippi, S., Gizzi, D., Kovacevic, M., Moradi, R., Oliveira, F.G., Pisani, G.B., Wang, Y.
2018 Astrophysical Journal
859, с.
The cosmic matrix in the 50th anniversary of relativistic astrophysics
0 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Aimuratov, Y., Becerra, L., Bianco, C.L., Karlica, M., Kovacevic, M., Melon Fuksman, J.D., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Primorac, D., Rueda, J.A., Shakeri, S., Vereshchagin, G.V., Wang, Y., Xue, S.S.
2018 14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings
0, с. 258-305
The binary systems associated with short and long gamma-ray bursts and their detectability
0 Цитирований
Rueda, J.A., Aimuratov, Y., Barres De Almeida, U., Becerra, L., Bianco, C.L., Cherubini, C., Filippi, S., Karlica, M., Kovacevic, M., Melon Fuksman, J.D., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Primorac, D., Ruffini, R., Sahakyan, N., Shakeri, S., Wang, Y.
2018 14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings
0, с. 306-324
Analysis of the GRB 081024B
0 Цитирований
Aimuratov, Y., Ruffini, R., Bianco, C.L., Enderli, M., Izzo, L., Kovacevic, M., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Rueda, J.A., Wang, Y., Zaninoni, E.
2018 14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings
0, с. 2975-2980
GRB 140619B: A short GRB from a binary neutron star merger leading to black hole formation
0 Цитирований
Muccino, M., Ruffini, R., Kovacevic, M., Oliveira, F.G., Rueda, J.A., Aimuratov, Y., Bianco, C.L., Enderli, M., Moradi, R., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Wang, Y., Zaninoni, E.
2018 14th Marcel Grossman Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings
0, с. 2969-2974
The binary systems associated with short and long gamma-ray bursts and their detectability
4 Цитирований
Rueda, J.A., Aimuratov, Y., De Almeida, U.B., Becerra, L., Bianco, C.L., Cherubini, C., Filippi, S., Karlica, M., Kovacevic, M., Fuksman, J.D.M., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Primorac, D., Ruffini, R., Sahakyan, N., Shakeri, S., Wang, Y.
2017 International Journal of Modern Physics D
26, с.
The cosmic matrix in the 50th anniversary of relativistic astrophysics
0 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Aimuratov, Y., Becerra, L., Bianco, C.L., Karlica, M., Kovacevic, M., Melon Fuksman, J.D., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Primorac, D., Rueda, J.A., Shakeri, S., Vereshchagin, G.V., Wang, Y., Xue, S.S.
2017 International Journal of Modern Physics D
26, с.
GRB 081024B and GRB 140402A: Two Additional Short GRBs from Binary Neutron Star Mergers
10 Цитирований
Aimuratov, Y., Ruffini, R., Muccino, M., Bianco, C.L., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Primorac, D., Rueda, J.A., Wang, Y.
2017 Astrophysical Journal
844, с.
Some astrophysical effects of nonlinear vacuum electrodynamics in the magnetosphere of a pulsar
6 Цитирований
Abishev, M., Aimuratov, Y., Aldabergenov, Y., Beissen, N., Bakytzhan, Z., Takibayeva, M.
2016 Astroparticle Physics
73, с. 8-13
GRB 090510: A genuine short GRB from a binary neutron star coalescing into a Kerr-Newman black hole
17 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Muccino, M., Aimuratov, Y., Bianco, C.L., Cherubini, C., Enderli, M., Kovacevic, M., Moradi, R., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Rueda, J.A., Wang, Y.
2016 Astrophysical Journal
831, с.
65 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Rueda, J.A., Muccino, M., Aimuratov, Y., Becerra, L.M., Bianco, C.L., Kovacevic, M., Moradi, R., Oliveira, F.G., Pisani, G.B., Wang, Y.
2016 Astrophysical Journal
832, с.
8 Цитирований
Pisani, G.B., Ruffini, R., Aimuratov, Y., Bianco, C.L., Kovacevic, M., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Rueda, J.A., Shakeri, S., Wang, Y.
2016 Astrophysical Journal
833, с.
Induced gravitational collapse in FeCO Core-Neutron star binaries and Neutron star-Neutron star binary mergers
1 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Aimuratov, Y., Bianco, C.L., Enderli, M., Kovacevic, M., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Rueda, J.A., Wang, Y.
2015 International Journal of Modern Physics A
30, с.
Cosmic matrix in the jubilee of relativistic astrophysics
0 Цитирований
Ruffini, R., Aimuratov, Y., Belinski, V., Bianco, C.L., Enderli, M., Izzo, L., Kovacevic, M., Mathews, G.J., Moradi, R., Muccino, M., Penacchioni, A.V., Pisani, G.B., Rueda, J.A., Vereshchagin, G.V., Wang, Y., Xue, S.S.
2015 AIP Conference Proceedings
1693, с.
Deviation of light rays in galaxy dark-matter halos
1 Цитирований
Chechin, L.M., Avkhunbaeva, G.M., Aimuratov, E.K., Umiralieva, A.Z.
2012 Russian Physics Journal
55, с. 690-698
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